Senin, 06 Januari 2014

Cheat Alien Shooter 2

Nih Agan-Agan Yang Lagi Maen Alien Shooter 2 , Agan Telah Mengunjungi Blog Yg Tepat .. :D
Kalau Agan Susah Ngelawan Para Alien2 .. Tinggal Masukin Aja Deh Cheat Nya ..
OK .. Skrang Kita Gk Buang2 Waktu Lagi ..

Cheat Alien Shooter 2

In game mode:
remgamma - remove gamma on the level

stwin - complete level successfully.

cheath - gives 1000 hp.

st1 - gives 15000 hp.

st2 - invincibility.

stammo - gives some ammo.

stexp or cheatexp - adds enough exp for getting new level.

cheats - + 50 to the speed skill.

cheatw - + 100 skills of weapons reloading.

stkk - to kill all monsters withing a radius of 1000 pixels from the character.

stk9 - to kill all monsters on the map.

stgod - makes all skills (except perk) 100 or 200 sequential. adds also 50000 money.

stm or cheatm - + 10 000 money.

stshop - download shop on the level.

stmus[x] - turn the x number of tracks.

stmusstop - stop current track.

stat - turn on\off current statistics.

NOTE: To enable cheat codes type letters
on the keyboard during the game.

Di Menu survival cheat tidak bekerja

Semoga Bermanfaat ..

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